New global PR blog

As part of the global PR network 27&More I have found a lot of new great colleauges around the world.

Together with my colleague from the Spainsh PR bureau Paniagua Consultores, Jacobo Zelada we have launch the 27&More blog.

So now we can debate, exchange information and knowledge etc. on our new 27&More blog. I hope you will find some time to visit that blog also – it will be in English only and I promise it will be worth your while. The blog is brand new so the number of post is limited – but it will come. And then you will find knowledge about the PR business from all over the world.

I can’t wait to get the blog moving 🙂 Visit the 27&More blog here.

Members of EU sees bloggers as a threat

I have always been positive about the European Union and the MEP’s but now I have to say “something is rotten in the.. EU!”

I stumbled upon a new report made by the Estonian Socialist and MEP Marianne Mikko. In the report she states that bloggers “are in a position, however, to considerably pollute cyberspace”.

So she thinks blogs and bloggers should be registered in order to protect the public.

I think the public is still very trusting towards blogs, it is still seen as sincere. And it should remain sincere. For that we need a quality mark, a disclosure of who is really writing and why.

Quote Marianne Mikko.

The Germans are also afraid. German Liberal Jorgo Chatzimarkakis said the following about blogs:

…imagine pressure groups, professional interests or any other groups using blogs to pass on their message. Blogs are powerful tools, they can represent an advance form of lobbyism, which in turn can be seen as a threat


First of all perhaps the MEP’s should try to look into the blogosphere. They don’t have to imagine that blogs at some time in the future could be used as lobbyism. It’s already happening all over the Internet.

And second – why should this be a threat?? If some of the MEP’s really think that bloggers are a threat because they write blogs anonymously they perhaps have to learn a little more about the blogosphere. An anonymous blogger are not considered credible. They have the same status as a anonymous person who sends a letter. Almost nobody thinks they are credible.

Another reason for why bloggers have to be restrained stated by Marianne Mikko is:

We already have too much spam, misinformation and malicious intent in cyberspace

Well that’s normally not coming from bloggers but from somebody else who wants to earn money on bloggers and the rest of the Internet users.

I must say that I don’t hope that EU adopt this report. It will be a threat to our freedom of speech IMO.

I would also like that everybody on the Internet and in the blogosphere would write under their own name and not anonymously – but I would NEVER support anybody who wants to force people to do that by law. It’s crazy…!

Post Danmark vil i dialog

Så er en af store danske virksomheder begyndt at blogge. Det er Post Danmark som har valgt at lancere en blog, fordi de i følge vil forsøge at komme i dialog med kunderne og dermed forbedre deres image, som jo bekendt ikke altid befinder sig i top. Bloggen der har fået navnet “Post til alle blog” kan følges her.

I sig selv er det jo altid en rigtig god ide for en virksomhed at være i dialog med kunderne. Og ikke mindst hvis man lider af et lidt dårligt omdømme som en virksomhed, der er lidt lukket. Arla led af samme problemer og man må sige at de med deres blogs har sat gang i en proces hvor der bliver åbnet for dørene.

Så lad mig da være den første til at sige tillykke. Når det er sagt så er det jo klart at man ikke uden videre kan ændre sit image bare fordi man laver en blog.

Hvis bloggen ikke er personlig, hvis man ikke opdatere den eller ikke svare på kommentarene så er man lige vidt.

Men som udgangspunkt så er jeg glad for at Post Danmark er i gang. Dog er der vist lidt startproblemer.Allerede her på første-dagen var bloggen nede en gang i mellem. Forhåbentligt er det bare et scaling-problem fordi der er mange der lige skal tjekke bloggen ud.

I skrivende stund er der kommet syv kommentarer (heraf en fra undertegnede), og der er allerede kommet et par klager frem i lyset.

Desværre lader det til at den blogansvarlige og kommunikationschef i Post Danmark Lars Kaspersen har lidt for travlt til at svare dem. Men måske han bare venter til i morgen??!!

UPDATE: For flere eksterne input om Post Danmarks forsøg med de sociale medier – se dSeneste’s indlæg her.