Members of EU sees bloggers as a threat

I have always been positive about the European Union and the MEP’s but now I have to say “something is rotten in the.. EU!”

I stumbled upon a new report made by the Estonian Socialist and MEP Marianne Mikko. In the report she states that bloggers “are in a position, however, to considerably pollute cyberspace”.

So she thinks blogs and bloggers should be registered in order to protect the public.

I think the public is still very trusting towards blogs, it is still seen as sincere. And it should remain sincere. For that we need a quality mark, a disclosure of who is really writing and why.

Quote Marianne Mikko.

The Germans are also afraid. German Liberal Jorgo Chatzimarkakis said the following about blogs:

…imagine pressure groups, professional interests or any other groups using blogs to pass on their message. Blogs are powerful tools, they can represent an advance form of lobbyism, which in turn can be seen as a threat


First of all perhaps the MEP’s should try to look into the blogosphere. They don’t have to imagine that blogs at some time in the future could be used as lobbyism. It’s already happening all over the Internet.

And second – why should this be a threat?? If some of the MEP’s really think that bloggers are a threat because they write blogs anonymously they perhaps have to learn a little more about the blogosphere. An anonymous blogger are not considered credible. They have the same status as a anonymous person who sends a letter. Almost nobody thinks they are credible.

Another reason for why bloggers have to be restrained stated by Marianne Mikko is:

We already have too much spam, misinformation and malicious intent in cyberspace

Well that’s normally not coming from bloggers but from somebody else who wants to earn money on bloggers and the rest of the Internet users.

I must say that I don’t hope that EU adopt this report. It will be a threat to our freedom of speech IMO.

I would also like that everybody on the Internet and in the blogosphere would write under their own name and not anonymously – but I would NEVER support anybody who wants to force people to do that by law. It’s crazy…!

Tomme trusler fra TV-stationerne

Så rasler de europæiske TV stationer med sablen. De er angiveligt klar til at skære i sportsdækningen, hvis forbundene ikke “yder deres ypperste i kampen mod doping”.

Det lyder jo fornuftigt. Det kunne skabe et kraftigt incitament til at gøre noget alvorligt mod dopingproblemerne. Problemet er bare, at det aldrig bliver tilfældet. Jo måske i forbindelse med cykelsporten, som jo er blevet den store syndebuk i medierne for alt hvad der er handler om doping. Ikke at det som sådan er forkert, for der er meget doping i den sportsgren. Men det er sammen med måske lige body-building også de eneste sportsgrene hvor der for alvor er forsøgt at skabe nogle mediemæssige konsekvenser.

Hvem kan forestille sig for alvor, at de europæiske TV-stationer siger nej til at sende fra OL? Atletikstævner? VM i fodbold? NFL? NBA? osv.

Det er alle sportsgrene, hvor doping beviseligt er meget udbredt. Ikke mindst OL, hvor atleter fra sportsgrene som svømning, vægtløftning og øverst på listen atletik, hver gang legene afholdes, afsløres i dopingmisbrug.

Men det er en alt for god forretning for TV stationerne at sende fra disse sportsbegivenheder. Så der sker intet i den sammenhæng. Jeg skrev sidste år et lille indlæg om doping hysteriet på min anden blog.

Jeg er dog sikker på, at der nok skal ske noget. Men det bliver ikke blandt de populære sportsbegivenheder – ligegyldigt hvor mange dopingsyndere man finder. TV-stationernes figenblad for at holde sig fra f.eks. OL bliver nok, at de mener, at IOC gør “sit ypperste i kampen mod doping” allerede.

Så vi kan forvente strenge konsekvenser mod marginale TV-sportsgrene som dart, billiard og floorball, men der hvor det virkelig kunne betyde noget sker der ikke noget…

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Rescu are joining the international PR network “27&More”

The world is small and it is getting even smaller with the expansion of the Internet. More and more companies are getting an international approach and therefore they need international advice and an international communication strategy.

To make an international communication strategy and implement it successfully in several countries is not an easy task for a single national communication agency. That’s why we have decided to join an international PR network.

We have looked at several networks, but most of them did not fulfill our needs for an active network. Many networks seems to be more just a name than an actual active network.

But with the European based PR network 27&More we found what we were looking for. 27&More only have one member per country. And each member needs to fulfill several professional requirements. We are therefore very happy that the network accepted us as the representative for Denmark.

Now we have the opportunity to work with colleagues from Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands,
Turkey and United Kingdom.

Most of them have been working together on several international PR campaigns and we hope to learn at lot from them all.

Furthermore we have very good connections with US agencies, so now we are ready for every challenge.

For further informations please read our press release available on our company website – for the time being only in Danish.